
When a young Parisian rat named Remy is separated from his family, he gets the chance to achieve his unlikely dream of becoming a master chef in this Pixar production from writer-director Brad Bird. Patton Oswalt leads a stellar voice cast including the legendary Peter O’Toole as the food critic Anton Ego, whose climactic monologue is one of the film’s many highlights. Winner of the 2007 Animated Feature Film Oscar, the film also received nominations for its original screenplay, sound editing, sound mixing, and for Michael Giacchino’s Gallic-flavored score. 

DIRECTED/WRITTEN BY: Brad Bird. STORY BY: Jan Pinkava, Jim Capobianco, Brad Bird. WITH: Patton Oswalt, Ian Holm, Lou Romano, Brian Dennehy. 2007. 111 min. USA. Color. Scope. English. Rated G; suitable for ages 6+. 35mm.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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