Objective, Burma!

Objective, Burma!

Special guest: Introduction by film historian and critic Ed Rampell.

An American platoon led by Errol Flynn parachutes into Burma to attack a strategic Japanese radar station during World War II. When they miss their rendezvous, the squad must trek across the jungles and swamps back to safety. Raoul Walsh’s influential war thriller, shot by the brilliant cinematographer James Wong Howe, was made at the height of the Allies’ engagement with imperial Japan and includes nationalistic epithets against the Japanese. Alvah Bessie, nominated for an Oscar for Writing (Original Story), would soon become a member of the Hollywood Ten.  

DIRECTED BY: Raoul Walsh. WRITTEN BY: Ranald MacDougall, Lester Cole. STORY BY: Alvah Bessie. WITH: Errol Flynn, James Brown, William Prince, George Tobias. 1945. 142 min. USA. B&W. English. 35mm.
Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 
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