Next Sohee

Next Sohee

Introductory remarks by Jennifer Jung-Kim, Lecturer at the University of California, Los Angeles. Post-screening conversation with writer, director Jung July and actress Kim Si-eun

Bae Doona (The Host) plays a detective investigating the death of high school senior Sohee, an apprentice at a call center where horrific, exploitative working conditions are common practice. Based on a true story, Next Sohee depicts the jarring reality of marginalized workers in a society that values inhumane competitiveness while promoting compliance in the name of the “common good.” Jung July’s insightful criticism on a capitalistic society that justifies oppression is manifested through the endless cycles of devastation and destruction in which Sohee, and many other “next Sohees,” are placed.

DIRECTED/WRITTEN BY: Jung July. WITH: Bae Doona, Kim Si-eun. 2022. 138 min. Korea. Color. Korean. DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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