Good Morning (お早よう) 

Good Morning (お早よう) 

Special guest: Introduction by actor, comedian, and author Julia Sweeney.

A remake of Yasujirō Ozu’s silent comedy, I Was Born, But… (1932), Good Morning is a lighthearted tale of the suburban, school-aged Hayashi brothers who simply must have a television set. When their mother refuses, they take a vow of silence that leads to worse repercussions when the neighbors assume she’s seeking vengeance for an earlier misunderstanding. As fanciful as the rich color photography, shot by late-career Ozu regular collaborator Yuharu Atsuta, are the film’s playful games of telephone sprinkled throughout this sprightly satire of consumer culture and generational divide in postwar Japan. 

DIRECTED BY: Yasujirō Ozu. WRITTEN BY: Yasujirō Ozu, Kōgo Noda. WITH: Masahiko Shimazu, Koji Shitara, Kuniko Miyake, Yoshiko Kuga. 1959. 93 min. Japan. Color. Japanese. 35mm.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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