Floating Weeds (浮草) 

Floating Weeds (浮草) 

Introduction by Matt Severson, Director, Margaret Herrick Library.

Shot by regular Kenji Mizoguchi and Akira Kurosawa lenser Kazuo Miyagawa (Rashōmon, Ugetsu), this remake of Yasujirō Ozu’s earlier A Story of Floating Weeds (1934) is faithful to the original, save for location which he updates to the Seto Inland Sea. When the aging lead actor of a traveling theater troupe docks in the seaside town of his former mistress and their now-teenaged child, his current lover, caught completely off guard, plots her revenge. In the film’s title lies a metaphor for the leisurely, at times lonely, pace of life, a recurring image in Japanese poetry that signals Ozu’s enchantment with the quotidian.     

DIRECTED BY: Yasujirō Ozu. WRITTEN BY: Yasujirō Ozu, Kōgo Noda. WITH: Ganjirō Nakamura, Machiko Kyō, Ayako Wakao, Hiroshi Kawaguchi. 1959. 119 min. Japan. Color. Japanese. DCP.  

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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