
The third animated feature released by Disney is still the studio’s most experimental work, a series of eight vignettes set to classical music that demonstrate the remarkable potential and variety of feature film animation. The segments range from the lighthearted antics of Mickey Mouse in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” to the sinister, epic imagery of “Night on Bald Mountain.” The film received two Special Awards from the Academy, one for conductor Leopold Stokowski and his associates for “the creation of a new form of visualized music,” and the other to Disney, William Garity, John N. A. Hawkins, and the RCA Manufacturing Company for the advancement of the use of sound in movies.

DIRECTED BY: Sam Armstrong, James Algar, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield, Hamilton Luske, Jim Handley, Ford Beebe, T. Hee, Norman Ferguson, Wilfred Jackson. WITH: Leopold Stokowski, Deems Taylor. 1940. 125 min. USA. Color. English. Rated G. DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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