A Goofy Movie

In this standalone follow-up to the Disney animated series Goof Troop, we follow Goofy as he embarks on a fishing road trip across the country in an attempt to bond with his now teenaged son, Max, who is less enthused about the trip as it squashes his chance with his crush, Roxanne. Max, however, is determined to make it to the Powerline concert in Los Angeles to impress Roxanne. With catchy tunes “Stand Out” and “I2I,” this Disney film became a cult classic and has stood the test of time. 

DIRECTED BY: Kevin Lima. WRITTEN BY: Jymn Magon, Chris Matheson, Brian Pimental. WITH: Bill Farmer, Jason Marsden, Jim Cummings. 1995. 78 min. USA. Color. English. Rated G; suitable for ages 6+. DCP. 

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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